By Kayode Fasua

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Jagaban Borgu, national leader of the All Progressives Congress(APC) and foremost presidential candidate in the country has pulled another admirable stunt. This last stunt left his trailing co-presidential rookies from the other political parties dazed.

By the act, Tinubu left no one in doubt that he is a friend of the masses with his unscheduled visit to an unknown old woman that was later identified as Alhaja Shifau Ayinla, recently.

What actually transpired? Alhaja Ayinla became social media sensation when overnight the day of last APC Presidential primaries at the Eagles Square, Abuja, she was recorded while keeping spiritual vigil for the success of Tinubu at the primaries in her bed room. Her only request to almighty Allah was for Tinubu to triumph at the convention and later become president since she believes that to be the only way to stop the hardships currently being witnessed by Nigerians and consequently usher in prosperity for all. She was steadfast in her prayers and almighty Allah answered her prayers. It was an emotional scene to behold.

As at this moment, majority of Nigerians are still expressing delights and admiration that an aged woman can sacrifice her sleep praying for Tinubu to emerge winner of the last APC presidential primaries. To discerning Nigerians, this has struck a sensitively emotional chord in them.

The octogenarian, Alhaja Shifau Ayinla from Ilorin, Kwara State, according to millions of Nigerians must truly have the interest of the nation at heart.

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Deeply touched by the sacrifice made by the poor old woman that he had never met, Tinubu traveled from Abuja to her house in Ilorin, Kwara state to personally convey his gratitude to the aged woman.

Tinubu, for years is known to have empathy for people, especially the downtrodden. In uncountable ways and times, he had intervened positively in the lives of the needy. He is at home with the rich as well as the poor. To him, we’re all humans, created by one and only God to serve humanity. Tinubu displayed this attributes when he created time out of his very tight schedule to visit the old woman at her humble place of abode.

Tinubu is indeed a man with the large heart and this has endeared him to millions of Nigerians irrespective of tribe or religion.

In a chat with The Liberation News, an avid follower of the APC presidential flagbearer who was there when the duo met, disclosed that Tinubu was nearly moved to tears because of the old woman’s remarks during the visit. More because her expressions represent the perception of poor citizens about Tinubu’s person.

The follower who spoke under condition of anonymity said,” Jagaban told us that all that the old woman said about him, represent his passion for the Nigerian masses: to make sure that everyone lives comfortably and secure, and that there should be abundance of food, affordable houses and consumer goods to keep all going.

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“He told us that the vote of confidence passed on him by Alhaja Ayinla would spur him into fulfilling all the issues on his manifesto, most of which dwell on the welfare of the citizens, if elected President.”

During Tinubu’s visit to the old woman’s home, Alhaja Ayinla had remarked that “Nigerians are suffering and hungry and there is no indication that the rulers are bothered about the welfare of the masses.

She further said: “But when Tinubu was in power (as governor of Lagos State), the citizenry enjoyed his leadership as he made foodstuffs and other items cheap in the market and also empowered many people and made several others who had lost hope in themselves to become achievers and respected individuals.”

The octogenarian remarked that it was no wonder, therefore, that the masses of Nigeria are clamouring for Tinubu’s Presidency, praying that with the support of the people and the power of God, the former governor of Lagos State, who also served at a time as a senator, would emerge victorious in the 2023 presidential election.

Recall that Tinubu won the APC presidential primary election with 1271 votes, beating his closest rivals: former Minister of Transportion, Rotimi Amaechi (316 votes) and Vice president Yemi Osinbajo (235 vote), among others.
