FROM every indication the Nigerian health sector is visibly ailing under the present administration. Besides leading the fight to keep the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, among the world’s lowest in terms of prevalence and impact, the general attitude of this regime to that all-important sector is that of abandonment tinged with oppressive antics.

Health is wealth. Every reasonable and sensible government will regard the good standing of its health sector as a priority. But in Nigeria, successive leaders at federal, state and local government levels have ignored this factor even though it is at the heart of the welfare of the ordinary people who queue up to vote politicians into power.

President Buhari, who has enjoyed routine and expensive foreign health vacations at the expense of the Nigerian taxpayer, has disappointed millions of ordinary Nigerians who had hoped that his campaign for “change” in 2015 would spawn a government that would take the social sector – especially health and education – personally because it has direct impact on the lives of the people.
