“Someone asked that the President should address the Nation and assuage the feelings of the people planning this ‘massive protest’

“Here is my response:

“How many times would the President broadcast to the nation to show empathy and also update us on the measures he is taking to alleviate the suffering in the land?

“* He said in the beginning that it will be tough and he has begged us repeatedly to endure.

“* He has offered financial palliatives to workers since October last year

“* He has has brokered new minimum wage and approved for immediate commencement of payment. The national assembly has passed the enabling act.

“* He has started disbursement of Student loans to those who applied, he didn’t choose those who will benefit

“* He is converting 1 million commercial vehicles to very cheap CNG mode free of charge to ease transportation and bring down the cost of goods and services

“* He has sent free grains and rice to the people through the governors, he can’t do it all by himself. Ask your governor.

“* He has availed the Governors access to infrastructure development fund, reason you see urban renewal projects everywhere you go.

“* He has increased FAAC allocations to the States and local governments about 100%. Your States and Local governments are richer and more comfortable to impact your lives now

“* He has granted waiver for duty on food imports for the next 6 months while his government’s renewed agricultural program matures

“* He has began to build massively on the Buhari infrastructure improvement and implementation program roads, energy etc and we are all witnesses to this

“* He has established local government autonomy through the instruments of the law to bring governance delivery closer to the people

“* He is on the verge of solving the farmers/herders crisis that has contributed greatly to the food insecurity in the land

“* He has blocked leakages in the country’s treasury to a reasonable extent that has led to increase in the revenue accruing to all levels of government and he hasn’t stopped yet

“I can go on and on but what will I say to convince the people who are determined not to hear or even be swayed to the side of reason and understanding? People who are blinded by hate and bigotry, baying for blood and seeking for imaginary ‘revenge’?

“Please, ask yourself this question before you start venting your anger:

“Has Tinubu ever said “Don’t protest ‘ or’ You can’t protest’?

“The honest answer is NO.

“Why then are you angry with your fellow citizens who are advocating for peace and dialog instead of protest?

“In the last one year or so that Tinubu has been in power, has he demonstrated unwillingness to listen?
“Or has he presented a dictatorial tendency?
“The answer is NO.

“What now makes you think he is going to refuse to hear you or dialog with you?

“Did he not dialog with the NLC and reached an agreement with them? Is he not implementing the agreement reached? Didn’t the NLC leadership hail him for it?
“The answer is YES.

“The truth of the matter is that those advocating for ‘peaceful protests’ today are majorly anarchists who have other axes to grind with Tinubu apart from demanding a BETTER LIFE. They are sore losers of the last election seeking to take their ‘pound of flesh’ through the back door. That which they could not take legally, they think they can acquire through the force of arm, anarchy, mayhem and insurrection.

“Well, I have word for them, It has never worked anywhere in the world and it will never work here. Check history: Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Zaire, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Syria, Yemen, USA etc

“Just look at Kenya 🇰🇪 there, after unleashing unprecedented destruction on their country, have Kenyans been able to unseat Ruto? NO.
“But they will work and struggle many extra years to rebuild what they have senselessly destroyed and it won’t come free, they sweat blood and water. Their ranks have been decimated by many deaths needlessly whilst NONE of the ruling class lost his or her life in the mayhem, neither their families’

“A word, they say, is enough for for the wise. I stop here.

“History, the ultimate judge of all of us beckons and will record us for whatever we choose to do today.

“Let’s help history to record us well.”

Source: Social Media