The ongoing industrial action that has grounded economic activities in the country might soon be over as the Federal Government, through the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, NSIWC, is set to hold yet another meeting of the tripartite committee on the new national minimum wage.

The meeting is billed to hold tomorrow, June 4 by 10am.

Recall that the last meeting of the committee ended without without reasonable conclusion on May 31.

This was after the Organised Labour negotiating team walked out following the government and organised private sector, OPS’s refusal to go beyond the N60,000 they had earlier offered.

According to sources, the government is alarmed by the level of compliance and participation by workers in the first day of the indefinite nationwide strike.

There has been complete compliance from members of the labour union across the federation with economy activities standing to a halt.

Federal government will hope to successfully reach a compromise with the labour union during tomorrow’s meeting in order to avert greater effect of the industrial action on the nations economy.
