By Sarafa Tunji Isola, OFR

Local government administration plays a crucial role in the overall development of any nation. In Nigeria, the establishment of local government areas (LGAs) is aimed at bringing governance closer to the people, especially those in rural areas. This lecture will explore the significance of local government administration, the challenges faced, explore the critical areas local governments can contribute to development and proffer potential solutions to enhance their effectiveness.

The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria, as amended in Section 14(b) expressly defines the primary purpose of Government – “the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of Government.”

The Local Government Administration is the closest to the people hence activities at this level of Government are most relevant to the welfare and security of Nigerians. Political, social, economic, and Technological development of Nigeria is therefore anchored on the effective governance at this level of government.

1.1 ​Evolution of Local Government Councils
Local government councils in Nigeria have their ancient roots, dating back to the pre-colonial era. During this period, local governance systems existed among various ethnic groups in Nigeria. These local systems were often community-based and operated independently, addressing local needs, and resolving disputes within their respective communities.

With the advent of colonial rule, the British colonial administration introduced a more centralized system of governance. They established both direct and indirect rule through traditional rulers and chiefs. Local government administration became closely tied to the colonial administration, with traditional leaders serving as the channel between the local population and the colonial authorities.

1.1.1. Post-Independence Period
After Nigeria attained independence in 1960, there was a need to restructure local government administration. The 1963 Republican Constitution marked a significant step in this direction. The 1963 Constitution recognized local government administration as the third tier of government, alongside the federal and regional governments. It allowed for the establishment of local councils with elected representatives. However, the local government system during this period was not uniform across the country. Different regions had varying structures and levels of autonomy depending on the diversity of each region.

1.1.2​Subsequent Constitutions
The 1979 Constitution continued the recognition of local government as a separate and third tier of government. It emphasized the need for local autonomy and representation. The 1999 Constitution as amended, which is the current constitution, also recognizes local government as an essential part of Nigeria’s governance structure. It outlines their functions, powers, and responsibilities.

2. ​​Local Government Council Administration
The functions of a Local Government Council as enumerated in the fourth schedule of the 1999 Constitution as amended are as follows:

1. The main functions of a local government council are as follows:
the consideration and the making of recommendations to a state commission on economic planning or any similar body on – the economic development of the State, particularly in so far as the areas of authority of the council and of the State are affected, and proposals made by the said commission or body.

i) collection of rates, radio, and television licences.
ii) establishment and maintenance of cemeteries, burial grounds, and homes for the destitute or infirmed.
iii) licensing of bicycles, trucks (other than mechanically propelled trucks), canoes, wheelbarrows, and carts.
iv) establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughterhouses, slaughter slabs, markets, motor parks and public conveniences.
v) construction and maintenance of roads, streets, street lightings, drains and other public highways, parks, gardens, open spaces, or such public facilities as may be prescribed from time to time by the House of Assembly of a State.
vi) numbering of roads and streets and numbering of houses.
vii) provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewage and refuse disposal.
viii) registration of all births, deaths and marriages; assessment of privately owned houses or tenements for the purpose of levying such rates as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly of a State; and control and regulation of – door advertising and hoarding, movement and keeping of pets of all description, shops and kiosks, restaurants, bakeries and other places for sale of food to the public, laundries, and licensing, regulation and control of the sale of liquor.

ix) The functions of a local government council shall include participation of such council in the Government of a State as respects the following matters
x) the provision and maintenance of primary, adult, and vocational education.
xi) the development of agriculture and natural resources, other than the exploitation of materials.
xii) the provision and maintenance of health services; and such other functions as may be conferred on a local government council by the House of Assembly of the State
The justification for local government council administration in Nigeria are as follows:
2.1 Decentralization: Local government area administration decentralize power, allowing decisions to be made at the local level rather than by distant authorities.
2.2 Service Delivery: They provide essential services such as education, health, sanitation, and infrastructure development.
2.3 Representation: Local government councils represent the interests of their communities and ensure the effective participation of citizens and residents in governance.

2.4 Promotion of Democracy: Local elections allow citizens to choose their representatives, promoting democratic principles.
2.5 Cultural and Social Context: Local governments can tailor policies to the specific cultural and social context of their communities.
3.0 The Importance of Local Government Councils
3.1 Grassroots Development: Local government councils serve as the third tier of government, with responsibilities that directly impact the lives of citizens at the grassroots level. They play vital roles in social, political, and economic development.
3.2 Proximity to the People: Local government councils are geographically closer to the people they serve. This proximity allows them to address local needs more effectively.
3.3 Enhanced Prestige and Responsibilities: The 1976 local government reforms in Nigeria defined the powers and functions of local government councils, elevating them to the third tier of government. These reforms aimed to promote rural development.

4.0 Challenges of Local Government Councils
Despite the importance of Local Government Councils and their critical role in bringing the dividends of democracy to the citizenry, particularly at the grassroots level, the level of development in the country has not been commensurate to justify the creation of the councils. They are faced with many challenges which significantly hamper the abilities of local government councils’ administration to deliver on their mandates.
These include but are not limited to the following:

4.1 Financial Constraints: Despite increased responsibilities, local government councils often lack adequate financial resources. The revenue allocation formula allocates 20.6% for the 774 Local Government Areas in Nigeria. This is grossly inadequate. It is also compounded by the fact that many State Governments do not allow these funds to be wholly remitted. Besides, the Internal Revenue Generation window available to local government councils do not allow the mobilisation of sufficient funds, most of which have been cornered by the State Governments. This limitation affects their ability to provide essential services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

4.2 Corruption and Mismanagement: Instances of corruption and mismanagement hinder effective governance at the local level. With the constraints mentioned above, the inadequate funds in the coffers of the local government are again misappropriated and mismanaged. The ability to provide transparent and accountable practices are essential for sustainable development.

4.3 Inadequate Manpower: Local government councils struggle with a shortage of skilled personnel. Many councils’ employees do not want to work in rural areas where many local government areas are situated with lack of essential facilities for effective living. The members of staff are not adequately trained enough to render efficient service.

4.4 Lack of Autonomy: Some local government councils face undue interference from higher tiers of government, thus limiting their decision-making autonomy. The Primary Education is largely administered by the Universal Basic Education Board of the Federal Government with the counterpart State Universal Basic Education Board from the States leaving minimal responsibilities with the Local Government Councils even though Primary Education is on the list of responsibilities of Local Government Councils. Other areas such as the administration of markets as well as provision of low cost and rural housing are hijacked by local government councils. The veritable areas of revenues such as land use charges, tenement rates, advertisement rates and waste management collections are also controlled by most state governments.

4.5 Intergovernmental Conflict: Conflicts usually arise between local, state, and federal government administration that can hinder progress. The phenomenon of multiplicity of taxes which is usually resisted by the citizens are prevalent. This usually leaves the Local Governments councils disadvantaged being the weakest link in the government administration value chain. Cooperation and coordination are essential.

4.6 Inadequate Planning: Most local councils do not engage in long term planning for development for their communities. The short tenure of local government councils which is usually three years does not allow for effective harmonisation of community economic development plans and strategies which is very crucial for development. The appointment of Local Government Caretaker Committees at the pleasure of incumbent State Governors is an impediment to independent planning at the local government level.

4.7 Poor Implementation of Policies: Even with well-defined policies, successful implementation remains a challenge as lack of continuity of programmes constitute an albatross to effective implementation. Besides, the local government councils have not developed effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensures that desired objectives are achieved in terms of outputs and outcomes.

4.8 Lack of Participation by the People: With the above challenges, citizens do not expect much from local government councils as their engagement in the democratic and governance processes is usually minimal. There is high voter apathy at local government elections as experience has shown because incumbent state governments dominate the local government electoral process, comprehensively. Community development processes through the Community Development Councils and the Community Development Associations only involve clusters sympathetic to the dictates of the incumbent administration at the state level.

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5.0​Local Government Councils as the Panacea to Development In Nigeria
Local Government Councils have a key role to play in promoting development. The true essence of governance can only be felt at the grassroots level because this is where the lives of the people are mostly touched. The critical areas of development where attention, efforts and resources must be devoted for meaningful development impact can be created include the following:

A. Rural Development
B. Security
C. Economic Development
D. Entrepreneurship

6.0 Rural Development
Local governments in Nigeria play a crucial role in facilitating rural development. Despite the challenges faced, there are several strategies that local governments can adopt to enhance rural development:

6.1 Infrastructure Development: Local councils should prioritize the construction and maintenance of rural roads, streetlights, water supply systems, and drainage facilities. Accessible and well-maintained infrastructure improves the quality of life for rural residents and promotes economic activities1.
6.2 Social Amenities Provision: Local government councils can enhance rural development by providing essential services such as healthcare centres, primary schools, markets, and community halls.

These amenities contribute to community well-being and attract investment.
6.3 Agricultural Support: Given the predominantly agrarian nature of rural areas, local government councils should support agriculture. Initiatives like providing agricultural extension services, promoting cooperative farming, and investing in agribusiness will boost rural livelihoods.

6.4 Skills Training and Capacity Building: Local government councils can organize vocational training programs for rural youths. Skills development in areas like agriculture, handicrafts, and small-scale industries empowers young people and reduces unemployment.
6.5 Community Sensitization and Awareness: Educate rural communities about available government programs, resources, and opportunities. Awareness campaigns can encourage peoples’ participation in development initiatives and empower residents to demand their rights.

6.6 Collaboration with Traditional Leaders and Community-Based Organizations: Engage traditional rulers, community leaders, and local associations. Their influence can mobilize communities, promote cultural practices, and facilitate development projects.

6.7 Local Economic Development (LED): Implement LED strategies tailored to local contexts. Encourage entrepreneurship, value chain development, and investment in sectors like tourism, handicrafts, and agro processing.

6.8 Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management: Local government councils should promote sustainable practices. Reforestation, soil conservation, and water management contribute to long-term rural development.

6.9 Empowerment of Women and Vulnerable Groups: Gender-responsive policies and programs are essential. Empowering women economically, ensuring their participation in decision-making, and addressing their specific needs contribute to overall rural development.

6.10 Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessment of the impact of development projects. Local government councils should collect data, measure outcomes, and adjust strategies based on empirical evidence.

From the above, local government councils can facilitate rural development by focusing on infrastructure, social services, agriculture, skills development, and community engagement. Collaboration with stakeholders and a commitment to sustainable practices are germane to achieving meaningful progress in the rural areas of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

7.0 Security: The security of neighbourhoods is a critical responsibility for local government councils in Nigeria. The rising insecurity and threats posed by banditry, kidnapping, and other criminal activities; local authorities must take proactive measures to secure their communities. Some strategies that local government councils can adopt to enhance neighbourhood security:

7.1 Community Policing and Vigilante Groups: Community policing involves collaboration between law enforcement agencies and community members. Local government councils can encourage the formation of vigilante groups composed of credible residents who would work closely with the police. These groups can monitor neighbourhoods, report suspicious activities, gather credible intelligence, and assist in crime prevention. Regular meetings between police officers and community leaders foster trust and cooperation.

7.2 Street Gates and Security Guards: Local government councils should promote the installation of street gates in residential areas. These gates restrict unauthorized access and enhance security. Additionally, employment of trained security guards for neighbourhoods can deter criminals and provide a visible presence. Guards can monitor entry points, patrol streets, and respond to emergencies.

7.3 Street Lighting: Adequate street lighting is essential for neighbourhood safety. Local government councils should collaborate with utility companies to ensure that streets are well-lit, especially during nighttime. Well-lit areas discourage criminal activities and improve visibility for residents and law enforcement.

7.4 Address Uncompleted Buildings: Uncompleted or abandoned buildings often become hideouts for criminals. Local governments councils should enforce regulations that require property owners to secure and maintain their structures. Regular inspections can identify uncompleted buildings, and owners should be held accountable for securing them. Community members can also report such structures to the authorities.

7.5 Community Sensitization and Awareness: Educating residents about security is crucial. Local government councils can organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns. Topics can include crime prevention, emergency response, and reporting procedures. Empowered and informed residents are more likely to participate in securing their neighbourhoods.

7.6 Collaboration with Traditional Leaders and Religious Institutions: Traditional rulers and religious leaders have significant influence in local communities. Local government councils should engage them in security initiatives. They can help disseminate information, mediate conflicts, and encourage community members to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

7.7 Regular Patrols and Surveillance: Local police divisions should conduct regular patrols in neighbourhoods. Visible police presence deters criminals and reassures residents. Surveillance cameras at strategic locations can also enhance security. Local government councils can invest in surveillance technology and synergise with private businesses or community associations.

7.8 Emergency Response Systems: Establishing efficient emergency response systems is crucial. Local government councils can work with telecommunications outfits to set up emergency hotlines. Residents should know how to report crimes, accidents, and other emergencies promptly. Quick response times can save lives and minimise criminal activities.

7.9 Strengthening Neighbourhood Watch Programs: Neighbourhood watch programs involve residents volunteering to monitor their surroundings. Local government councils can provide training, resources, and incentives for active participation. These programs foster community cohesion and create a sense of ownership in maintaining security.

7.10 Collaboration with Private Sector and NGOs: Local government councils should partner with private security firms, NGOs, and community-based organizations. Joint efforts can improve security infrastructure, awareness campaigns, and capacity building. Leveraging external resources enhances neighbourhood security.

7.11 Peace and Security Committee of the Local Government Councils:
I wish to acknowledge the efforts of our Security Agencies in addressing our present security challenges. The task is herculean, without doubt.

2. It is my desire to share my thoughts on some proactive ctive strategies which would assist to identify, analyse, and neutralise the numerous security threats in our country.

3. The Armed Forces in our nation is undoubtedly overstretched with involvement in the internal security operations in almost all the States of Nigeria. I strongly believe that the rules of engagement of the Armed Forces do not prepare them for maintenance of law and order and day to day security in every nook and cranny of our country.

The Nigeria Police, State Security Services and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps are primarily trained and should be responsible for such duties.


4. In recent times, the issue of our national security, especially those bordering on internal security challenges have been hinged on the Federal Government of Nigeria . Mr. President is constantly required to perform the responsibilities of a Local Government Area Chairman and a State Governor in the provision of security in Nigeria. This is unfortunate and we need a proactive step to put the responsibilities to where they belong. Federal Government of Nigeria has numerously brought this to the attention of the State Governors, Local Government Council Chairmen and other State Actors. However, we need to operationalize and give effect to the directive.

5. Our internal security architecture should be anchored on 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and 36 States through the LGA chairmen and the State Governors, respectively. The Civil authority in position of authority must synergize with the security Agencies, to secure our nation. There is urgent need to set up Local Government Area Security and Peace Committee in 774 LGAs of Nigeria.

The composition of the Committee could be as follows:
❖ LGA Chairman​​​​​-​Chairman
❖ LGA Deputy Chairman​​​​- ​Vice Chairman
❖ Head of LGA Staff​​​​​-​Secretary
❖ All Divisional Police Officers (DPOs)
in the LGA​​​​​​-​Member
❖ The representative(s) of the Armed
Forces in the LGA (Military Intelligence)​-​Member
❖ The Local Government Security Chief​
of State Security Service (SSS)​​​-​Member
❖ The Immigrations Officer in the LGA​​-​Member
❖ The Commander of the Nigerian
Security and Civil Defence in the LGA​​-​Member
❖ One Senior Traditional Ruler in the LGA​-​Member
❖ One Senior Imam in the LGA​​​- ​Member
❖ Chairman of the Christian Association​​
Of Nigeria in the LGA​​​​-​Member

❖ The Chairman of the Community
Development Association in the LGA​​-​Member
❖ The representative of the National Council
of Nigerian Women Societies in the LGA​-​Member
❖ The Chairman, Nigerian Legion in the LGA​-​Member
❖ One Nigerian of good character who has
retired from the Armed Forces of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria not below
the Rank of Colonel or its equivalent​​-​Member
❖ Two individuals of the LGA who are
Responsible and apolitical members of
the Society​​​​​​-​Members
❖ One representative of the non-indigenes
resident in the LGA​​​​-​Member
❖ Chairman, Nigeria Labour Congress
in the LGA​​​​​​-​Member

Total​​​​​​​- ​20 Members

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❖ Meet at least once in a month and summon an emergency meeting as the need arises;

❖ Set up effective intelligence gathering machinery in the LGA to obtain credible intelligence for the consideration of the Committee;

❖ Identify and analyse threats to security within the area and take proactive steps to neutralize such threats individually and collectively;
❖ Escalate threats outside the capacity of the LGA Peace and Security Committee to the State Security Council through the Governor of the State;

❖ Review security situation in the LGA and pass reports for the information to the Governor and State Security Council for any further action deemed necessary.
By implementing these strategies, local government councils can create safer neighbourhoods, build trust among residents, and contribute to overall community well-being.

8.0 Local Government Councils and Economic Development
Local government councils play a crucial role in economic development, especially at the grassroots level. Some ways in which local government councils can contribute to economic development are:

8.1 Tailored Policies and Strategies: Local government councils should develop economic development policies that are tailored to the specific context of their area. Each rural entity or municipality has unique characteristics, including its economic base, workforce skills, infrastructure, and natural resources. Policies need to consider these local peculiarities to be effective.

8.2 Strengthening Local Capacity: Building administrative and fiscal capacity within local government councils is essential. Unfortunately, many African local government councils still face challenges in terms of capacity. Efforts should focus on training staff, improving budget management, and enhancing revenue mobilization. Adequate capacity enables effective implementation of economic development initiatives.

8.3 Promoting Investment and Business Growth: Local government councils can create a conducive environment for investment by streamlining business registration processes, providing incentives, and ensuring ease of doing business. Supporting local entrepreneurs and attracting foreign direct investment contribute to economic growth.

8.4 Infrastructure Development: Local government councils play a critical role in infrastructure development. They can invest in roads, culverts, utilities, and other essential facilities. Well-maintained infrastructure attracts businesses, enhances productivity, and improves the quality of life for residents.

8.5 Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs are the backbone of local economies. Local government councils can provide training, access to finance, and networking opportunities for SMEs. By nurturing these enterprises, they contribute to job creation and economic diversification.

8.6 Strategic Planning and Coordination: Local government councils should engage in strategic planning. Coherent policy packages require coordination across sectors and stakeholders. Metropolitan governance is increasingly important, especially in urban areas. Collaboration with businesses, civil society, academia, and other stakeholders is crucial.

8.7 Quality of Life Improvements: Economic development is not just about GDP growth; it also involves enhancing the standard of living for the residents. Local government councils can invest in education, healthcare, cultural amenities, and public spaces. A high quality of life attracts talent and fosters economic vibrancy.

8.8 Partnerships and Networks: A synergy with neighbouring local government councils, national government, international organizations, and development partners. Sharing experiences, best practices, and resources accelerates economic development.

8.9 Inclusive Growth: Ensure that economic benefits reach all segments of the society. Address income inequality, promote gender equality, and consider vulnerable groups. Inclusive growth contributes to social stability and sustainable development.

8.10 Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly assess the impact of economic development initiatives. Collect data, measures, inputs, outputs, and outcomes, and adjust strategies as needed. Evidence-based decision-making leads to better results.

Local government councils are essential actors in economic development. By recognizing their centrality, building capacity, and implementing targeted policies, they can contribute significantly to sustainable growth and poverty reduction within their communities and beyond.

9.0 Local Governments Council and Youth Entrepreneurship
Local government councils play a crucial role in supporting youth entrepreneurship. By creating an enabling environment and implementing targeted policies, they can empower young entrepreneurs to thrive. The local governments can support youth entrepreneurship in the following ways:

9.1 Skills Development and Training: Local government councils should invest in programs that enhance entrepreneurial skills. Workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs can equip young people with the knowledge needed to start and manage businesses.

9.2 Access to Finance: Facilitate access to capital for aspiring entrepreneurs. Local governments can collaborate with financial institutions to create loan programs, grants, or venture capital funds specifically for youth-led startups. Ensuring that financial services are accessible and tailored to their needs is crucial.

9.3 Infrastructure and Technology Support: Provide co-working spaces, incubators, and accelerators where young entrepreneurs can work, collaborate, and access resources. High-speed internet, affordable office spaces, and access to technology are essential for business growth.

9.4 Regulatory Simplification: Streamline business registration processes and reduce bureaucratic hurdles. Simplified licensing, permits, and tax procedures encourage more young people to start businesses. Clear guidelines on compliance and legal requirements are essential.

9.5 Networking and Collaboration Opportunities: Create platforms for entrepreneurs to meet, exchange ideas, and collaborate. Local government councils can organize networking events, business forums, and industry-specific gatherings. Accelerators and incubators also foster connections among startups.

9.6 Market Access and Promotion: Support youth entrepreneurs in accessing markets. Local government councils can organize trade fairs, exhibitions, and matchmaking events where startups can showcase their products and services. Promoting “Buy Local” campaigns encourages community support for young businesses.

9.7 Innovation Challenges and Competitions: Organize entrepreneurship competitions and innovation challenges. These incentivize young people to develop creative solutions to pressing problems. Prizes, grants, and recognitions can motivate participation and drive innovation.

9.8 Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Partner with universities, colleges, and vocational schools. Encourage entrepreneurship education, internships, and research collaboration. Linking academia with practical business experiences enhances entrepreneurial ecosystems.

9.9 Mentorship Programs: Connect experienced entrepreneurs with young startups. Mentorship provides guidance, advice, and emotional support. Successful entrepreneurs can share their knowledge and help navigate challenges.

9.10 Inclusive Policies and Diversity: Ensure that policies consider gender, disability, and other diversity aspects. Encourage women and marginalized groups to participate in entrepreneurship. Inclusive policies foster a vibrant and diverse entrepreneurial ecosystem.
By implementing these strategies, local government councils can unlock the potential of youth entrepreneurship, drive economic growth, and create sustainable employment opportunities within their communities.

10.0. ​​Critical Success Factors for Local Government Councils in Pursuing Development
The local government councils require a strategic approach and a commitment to community-driven development. The critical success factors for local government councils in pursuing development can be identified as:

10.1 Community Engagement and Participation: Involve community members regularly. Consult with them to identify their needs, priorities, and aspirations. Community participation ensures that projects align with local realities and are sustainable.

10.2 Needs Assessment and Prioritization: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to understand the specific challenges faced by the community. Prioritize projects based on urgency, impact, and feasibility.

10.3 Capacity Building: Invest in capacity building for local government staff, community leaders, and project managers. Training programmes should cover project management, financial management, and community mobilization.

10.4 Transparent Financial Management: Ensure transparent financial practices. Proper budgeting, financial reporting, and accountability are essential. Local government councils should explore innovative financing mechanisms, including public-private partnerships.

10.5 Adaptation and Customization: While replicating successful projects, consider local context and adapt solutions accordingly. What worked well in one area may need adjustments to align with another community’s unique circumstances.

10.6 Stakeholder Collaboration: Collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including NGOs, private sector organizations, and development partners. Leverage on their expertise, resources, and networks.

10.7 Project Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation system. Regularly assess projects, identify bottlenecks, and make necessary adjustments. Learning from both successes and failures is crucial.

10.8 Policy Alignment and Legal Frameworks: Ensure that local government policies align with national development goals. Strengthen legal frameworks to empower local government councils and protect their autonomy.

10.9 Knowledge Sharing and Peer Learning: Participate in knowledge-sharing platforms. Attend workshops, conferences, and study tours to learn from other successful projects. Peer learning fosters innovation.

10.10 Communication and Awareness: Communicate project objectives, progress, and outcomes to the community. Transparency builds trust and encourages ownership.

It should be noted that successful projects at local government councils that lead to development are not just about infrastructure; they also address social, economic, and environmental dimensions. By fostering collaboration, empowering communities, and maintaining a long-term perspective, local government councils can ensure sustainable development.

11.0​​ Way Forward for Effective Administration of Local Government Councils:

11.1 Expansion of Democratic Space: Encourage residents’ participation, transparency, and accountability. Citizens should actively engage in local governance processes.

11.2 Entrenchment of Democratic Culture: Promote democratic values, respect for human rights, and adherence to the rule of law.

11.3 Promotion of Good Governance: Local governments must prioritize efficient service delivery, prudent financial management, and ethical conduct.

11.4 Enhanced Financial Resources: Adequate funding is essential for local government councils to fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

11.5 Capacity Building: Invest in training and capacity development for the staff of local government councils.

11.6 Strengthening Intergovernmental Relations: Collaboration between different tiers of government is crucial for harmonious and sustainable development.
12.0 ​​Conclusion: The administration of local government councils remains pivotal for the development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Addressing the challenges and implementing practical solutions, will ensure that a good quality of life becomes a reality for most of the population in the rural and urban settlements of Nigeria.

May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

•Ambassador Sarafa Tunji Isola, OFR, the immediate past Nigeria’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom delivered this paper at the Fountain University Annual Departmental Lecture on Thursday April 18,2024 in Osogbo, Osun State.
